#project365 [day 79] World Trade Center Memorial


Visiting the World Trade Center site in NY is a bit of surreal experience. Doubt that anyone in the world hasn't been affected in someway by the tragic events that happened more than 14 years ago. Even for those of us that had never visited the Twin Towers when they existed, the NY skyline seems to miss something. In their place two gaping holes exist extending to the former foundations. Transformed into two great fountains, surrounded by the names of all who lost their lives in the horrible attacks. This is a place of remembrance, a certain quietness is easily felt across the whole site, although it was still a construction site when I was there. And towering over it all the new One World Trade Center building, showing that the spirit of the city refuses to be broken.

-- Gear
Fujifilm X-PRO1
Samyang 8mm f2.8 Fisheye
-- Post
Lightroom : HDR photomerge, initial toning and final crop
Photoshop: Sharpening and colour blending
NikCollection Color Efex Pro 4: Toning and Detail extraction