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#project365 [day 41] Times Square through a fisheye

This is probably the most filmed square, if not location, in New York. The site of the annual New Years Eve celebration shown all over the world, where a ball of light is lowered to signal the arrival of the new calendar. You can actually see the spot where that happens on the top left part of the image, dating the year of the image. This is not a big square, even for european standards, but the sheer size of the building that surround it, makes you feel tiny. Actually the only way to fully capture the square from ground level is through the use of a fish-eye lens, which thankfully has become one of my trusted travel companions. On the building across the street you can see one of its tourist traps, the Hard Rock Cafe, but on the foreground I wanted to capture a more famous icon of the city, the NYPD. Ubiquitous all around the place in the states is also their flag, here as a big neon sign at ground level. 

-- Gear
Fujifilm X-PRO1
Samyang 8mm f2.8 Fisheye
-- Post
Lightroom : Initial toning and final crop
Photoshop: Sharpening, colour blending and clean up
NikCollection Color Efex Pro 4: Toning and Detail extraction